Как поставить будильник на ноутбуке

How to set an alarm on a laptop

Would you like to wake up to the sound of your favorite radio station or a song from your player playlist? Many will answer positively, because the usual alarm ringtone on a smartphone infuriates you after the third time you wake up. Next we will look at options for setting an alarm clock on a laptop.
January 11, 2014 7
Ошибка «Подсистема печати недоступна» в Windows XP

"The printing subsystem is unavailable" error in Windows XP

In modern society, millions of files of various types are printed every day: documents, photographs, wallpaper, drawings, stencils, books and magazines. The "Print Subsystem Unavailable" problem in Windows XP prevents this process because the system does not see the active printers that print
January 11, 2014 1
Как пользоваться Артмани

How to use Artmoney

Artmoney is a program that easily hacks local games, which significantly increases the player's capabilities. This means that with its use the player can have an unlimited number of lives or coins in his account, as well as improve character performance, gain experience and
January 10, 2014 2
Разгон видеокарты с помощью Rivatuner

Overclocking a video card using Rivatuner

A simple utility called Rivatuner is designed to overclock a video card. This will certainly be of interest to gamers who are hunting for the latest innovations in the world of games with good graphics and dynamic scenario development.
January 10, 2014 1
Как разархивировать файл rar

How to unzip a rar file

Many documents and programs are available for downloading on the Internet in RAR format, but not all users know how to extract data from the archive.
January 09, 2014 1
Ошибка при запуске приложения 0xc0000006

On startup prilogenia 0xc0000006

This error occurs when installing the system on a computer, when starting a game, or even when turning on the computer normally. This suggests that the error is quite common among users.
January 08, 2014 1
Ошибка при запуске приложения 0xc0000022

On startup prilogenia 0xc0000022

This mistake is most common among gambling addicts. The antivirus quarantines the steam_api.dll file. from the installed toy and a window with error 0xc0000022 appears on the screen. There are other reasons for problems with application initialization.
January 08, 2014 1
Ошибка при запуске приложения 0xc000007b

Error when starting the application 0xc000007b

Error 0xc000007b occurs when launching applications and is quite common. The reasons can be very different.
January 07, 2014 2
Ошибка при запуске приложения 0xc0000142

On startup prilogenia 0xc0000142

Gamers and ordinary users have more than once encountered error 0xc0000142 when opening programs and launching games. What could be the cause of this error and what to do to eliminate it will be discussed in the article.
January 07, 2014 1
Как сделать визитку или календарь онлайн

How to make a business card or calendar online

Do you often use business cards? Of course, if your work does not involve business meetings, then you have no need for business cards. But, often, specialists in one activity or another have to exchange business cards with partners or clients.
January 06, 2014 1
Почему возникает ошибка 0х80070057 и как ее устранить

Why does error 0x80070057 occur and how to fix it

Windows 7 users may encounter error 0x80070057 both when installing the OS and on an already working system. We'll look at how to fix this error in this article.
January 06, 2014 4
Как очистить стену в ВК быстро

How to clean a wall in VK quickly

On the VK social network, users communicate not only in private messages, but also on the wall. Here, users congratulate each other on holidays and leave various notifications from applications and games. To instantly clean your wall of everything unnecessary, you need to use a special
January 05, 2014 1
Флайлинк скачать бесплатно

Flylink download free

Flylink is a program that allows you to download various files and share yours in P2P file-sharing networks, i.e. is an analogue of the popular BitTorrent program. Any user who has installed this program on their computer gets access to numerous hubs where they can store
January 04, 2014 1
Открыть файл xls онлайн

Open xls file online

Almost every user deals with documents, be it a student, an office worker or a private entrepreneur. The files are usually located on a flash drive so that you can edit the text of the document or make a second copy at any time. But what to do if you don’t have it installed on your computer?
January 03, 2014 1
Как поставить апостроф на клавиатуре

How to put an apostrophe on the keyboard

The keyboard contains a huge number of different characters that are used most often when typing. All others that do not fit can be added using certain key combinations. This article will talk about the apostrophe.
January 02, 2014 1
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