Virtual DJ - программа для создания свежих миксов

Virtual DJ - a program for creating fresh mixes

Virtual DJ is an application with which the user has the opportunity to mix sound without using vinyl turntables, but is limited to a laptop.
June 06, 2014 2
WebcamMax для расширения возможностей веб-камеры

WebcamMax to expand your webcam capabilities

WebcamMax is a fairly powerful program that allows you to decorate the image captured by your webcam. In this case, we are talking not only about shooting colorful videos, but also streaming images transmitted to your friends when communicating using video chat.
June 05, 2014 2
Программа SopCast для онлайн-просмотра трансляции футбольных матчей

SopCast program for online viewing of football matches broadcasts

The SopCast program is an example of peer-to-peer technology (P2P), with which you can conveniently view video on the Internet.
June 05, 2014 2
Аудиоредактор Sound Forge

Audio editor Sound Forge

Sound Forge is a fairly large and complex audio processing application. Like many professional programs, Sound Forge has a huge set of tools, which makes it difficult for novice users to use.
June 04, 2014 2
Распиновка блоков питания компьютера

Pinout of computer power supplies

There is a power supply in every personal computer. More than once, users have tried to conduct various experiments using this energy source. To connect any device to the power supply, you need to know how to pin it out correctly.
June 03, 2014 2
RusTV Player для просмотра популярных телеканалов онлайн

RusTV Player for watching popular TV channels online

RusTV Player is a new, very easy-to-use and completely free program created for online viewing of TV channels broadcasting in Russian. After installing the program, the user gets access to 300 channels of Russian and foreign television. In addition, in the package
June 03, 2014 4
Подключение телевизора к компьютеру через HDMI

Connecting your TV to your computer via HDMI

In order to watch a movie, program, show in good quality and on a big screen, it is certainly worth using the latest generation TVs. But high-quality videos are not always convenient to watch online. It may load and freeze. To avoid these inconveniences, you can download the video to
June 02, 2014 3
Решение вопроса, когда ноутбук не видит Wi-Fi

Solving the issue when the laptop does not see Wi-Fi

Now almost every establishment has a Wi-Fi network. This is very convenient, because you often have to solve work issues right here and now. Therefore, when buying a computer, many people opt for compact and at the same time functional laptops. They are easy to carry and have the ability
June 01, 2014 2
Почему не работает мышка ноутбука

Why doesn't my laptop mouse work?

A computer mouse is a necessary accessory for controlling what is happening on the computer screen. Not a single PC user can do without it.
June 01, 2014 2
Клип2Нет - удобный сервис обмена скриншотами

Clip2Net - convenient screenshot sharing service

The Clip2Net program was created to help users who often take screenshots. This service is quite functional: you can take a screenshot and immediately record audio with an explanation, create signatures and graphic notes on the image, you can also record a video with a step-by-step explanation
January 30, 2014 2
Сбой подключения к интернету с ошибкой 651

Internet connection failure with error 651

Everyone is accustomed to unhindered access to the Internet. But there are various computer malfunctions when the network is unavailable. In Windows 7, connection failure with error 651 has become quite common. Often you can fix it yourself in a short time.
January 29, 2014 2
Проблема подключения или недействительный код mmi

Connection problem or invalid mmi code

Today, a telephone is an essential item for a modern person. Without it, it is quite difficult to feel comfortable throughout the whole day. What to do if your phone does not receive a signal and when you try to make a call or send a request, it gives the error: “Connection problem or invalid
January 28, 2014 12
Чистим кэш в Яндекс браузере

Clearing the cache in Yandex browser

Many have encountered a situation where, having gone to the page of their favorite website in anticipation of an alert or news, they notice that again nothing has changed. The reason for this may be a large accumulation of information in the Yandex browser cache. To avoid this, you need to manually clear the cache from time to time.
January 27, 2014 9
Мазила тормозит? Ускоряем браузер Mozilla Firefox

Is the muff slowing down? Speeding up the Mozilla Firefox browser

If Mozilla Firefox begins to work slower, then you should not blame the work of your Internet provider. You need to first take a little time to optimize your browser. Perhaps this will be enough to normalize its operation.
January 26, 2014 11
Что такое Ask toolbar и как его удалить?

What is Ask toolbar and how to remove it?

Ask toolbar is an application that helps the user surf the Internet. This dashboard will answer any questions, tell you about the weather in the region and keep you up to date with the latest news from the world.
January 26, 2014 2
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