
Подключаемые модули браузера Гугл Хром

Google Chrome browser plugins

Google Chrome has confidently taken a leading position among the most functional browsers. Thanks to the support of extensions and plugins, users can increase the capabilities of the browser depending on their preferences and needs.
June 28, 2014 7
Адблок для Оперы

Adblock for Opera

Advertising is the engine of sales, but its presence is not always appropriate. To protect yourself from useless banners and advertising windows in the Opera browser, you should install the useful Adblock extension.
June 27, 2014 1
Как поставить знак копипаста на клавиатуре?

How to put a copy-paste sign on the keyboard?

The copyright symbol is used by people who publish their articles in print media or on the Internet. But there is no such symbol on the keyboard layout. How to insert it?
June 24, 2014 2
Решаем проблему, когда программа Проводник перезапускается

We solve the problem when the Explorer program restarts

The error “Explorer has stopped working” causes great discomfort to users and causes some confusion. What could be causing this problem?
June 23, 2014 1
Как почистить компьютер, чтобы не тормозил

How to clean your computer so it doesn't slow down

The performance of your computer largely depends on proper care of it. Sometimes it starts to slow down really bad for no apparent reason, which confuses the owner. There are several reasons for slow performance
June 17, 2014 5
Операция отменена вследствие действующих для компьютера ограничений

The operation was canceled due to restrictions on the computer.

Quite often, users have to deal with various errors in the computer operating system. This mainly occurs due to the activity of various viruses. If the computer screen displays the error “The operation was canceled due to restrictions in force on the computer.
June 17, 2014 6
Что такое руткиты

Chto takoe rutkity

Rootkits are programs that allow hackers to undetected malicious objects on infected computers, collect data about them, and control system processes.
June 15, 2014 1
Даунлоад Хелпер - плагин для скачивания медиафайлов с сайтов

Download Helper - plugin for downloading media files from websites

Sometimes, when going on vacation or on the road, you need to download some music and movies to entertain yourself. But what you like is not always available for download. With the advent of the Download Helper plugin for Firefox, multimedia files have become more accessible.
June 14, 2014 2
Как поставить в Биосе загрузку с флешки?

How to set the BIOS to boot from a flash drive?

Many users have difficulty working in Bios. But knowing how to boot the system in BIOS from a flash drive will never be superfluous, because following the instructions, this is a fairly simple procedure.
June 13, 2014 0
Устанавливаем экспресс панель в Гугл Хроме

Installing the express panel in Google Chrome

Over time, we develop favorite sites that we visit every day. But how inconvenient it is to search for them every day and enter a password with a login. It is much more convenient to enter them into the express panel, where all data is saved.
June 12, 2014 0
Учимся выставлять в биосе загрузку с флешки

Learning to set the BIOS to boot from a flash drive

Booting from a flash drive is most often necessary to reinstall the system. This is especially true for laptops, because they often do not have a disk drive.
June 11, 2014 2
Как попасть в биос на ноутбуке HP

How to get into the BIOS on an HP laptop

In most cases, when it is necessary to get into the BIOS, users use the hotkey combination “Del” + “F2”, but this scheme does not work for many laptops.
June 11, 2014 1
Как включить камеру на ноутбуке Asus

How to enable the camera on an Asus laptop

With the development of computer technology, people have the opportunity to communicate not only in person, by telephone, but also online using a computer. The programs provide voice and visual contact to users during a conversation. For this to be possible, you need to know how
June 10, 2014 3
Что такое антиплагиат и как используется в интернете

What is anti-plagiarism and how is it used on the Internet?

Nowadays, the Internet is in demand, it is developing rapidly and the number of users is growing all the time. Typically, this network is used to search for entertainment, reference or educational information through various search engines. All search engines have similar algorithms, as they are created on common principles.
June 09, 2014 1
Закрываем бесплатно профиль в Одноклассниках

Closing your Odnoklassniki profile for free

A huge number of users are registered on the Odnoklassniki website. Some of them consider being on social networks a useless activity, but they registered for fun. How to quickly delete your profile without paying a single ruble?
June 09, 2014 3
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