
Регистрируемся во ВКонтакте

Register on VKontakte

VKontakte is definitely the most popular and frequently visited resource on the entire Runet. The number of participants in this social network is estimated not in hundreds and thousands, but in millions of people. VKontakte can provide a lot of opportunities in various areas, from communication to training. Sin is not
29th September, 2014 1
Как найти в Одноклассниках человека

How to find a person on Odnoklassniki

After registering on the Odnoklassniki social network, each user wants to find friends and acquaintances. This does not always work out the first time, because in the first seconds on the site it is difficult to navigate where the search form is located and where, in fact, to start.
26th September, 2014 1
Что делать, если не можешь зайти в VK

What to do if you can’t log into VK

If after yet another surfing on the Internet you are unable to access your VKontakte page, then this can only mean one thing – malware or viruses have entered your computer. Let's look further at how to deal with them.
25th September, 2014 2
Как перевести страницу в Опере

How to translate a page in Opera

The Internet has made our life easier and more comfortable. If earlier we ordered things and cosmetics for ourselves through friends who traveled abroad, now we can buy all this ourselves in online stores in Europe and Asia. The only barrier in this situation will be ignorance of the language. How to translate
24th September, 2014 1
Как восстановить закрытую вкладку

How to recover a closed tab

In search of the necessary information, we open many tabs in the browser. We close the useless ones, leave others for reading. What should you do if you accidentally clicked on the cross and closed the site with the necessary information, and its address is unfamiliar to you?
22th September, 2014 1
Как почистить ноутбук от пыли

How to clean your laptop from dust

A laptop is an incredibly mobile device. It happens with the user in various places and conditions: in nature among the grass, in bed on a fleecy blanket, on a table in a cafe, etc. Naturally, over time it accumulates a large amount of dust, lint, hair, crumbs and other
19th September, 2014 1
Почему пропадает звук на ноутбуке

Why does the sound disappear on my laptop?

If you suddenly lose sound on your laptop, do not rush to contact a service center for help. Quite often the problem can be solved on your own. The main thing is to determine the cause.
18th September, 2014 3
Как активировать сим-карту МТС

How to activate an MTS SIM card

Without a SIM card, the phone does not receive messages or make calls. Even after a SIM card is purchased and successfully placed in a special slot on the phone, not everyone can activate it. Let's talk about this.
15th September, 2014 1
Устраняем ошибку в Скайпе «Не удалось установить соединение»

Fixing the error in Skype “The connection could not be established”

Each user has a Skype icon on their desktop. Thanks to her, we do not lose friends who change citizenship and go abroad, we often see our grandmothers and communicate at work. Sometimes, for some reason unknown to us, Skype does not load and displays the error “Failed to install
12th September, 2014 2
Как узнать какая у меня видеокарта

How to find out what video card I have

Information about the video card can be useful when upgrading your computer or when the drivers have failed and you need to download them from the official website of the manufacturer, but you don’t know who he is and what model of video card. What to do in this case, where can I look at this data?
11th September, 2014 1
Cфоткаться на веб-камеру

Take a photo with your webcam

Using a webcam, you can not only talk on Skype, but also take wonderful photos. To do this, just use one of the online services on the Internet or a standard Windows program.
09th September, 2014 1
Избавляемся от рекламы в Яндекс Браузере

Getting rid of advertising in Yandex Browser

In the last year or two, a huge amount of advertising has leaked onto the Internet. It is present when loading a social networking site, email, in an online store and on official developer pages. It is aggressive in appearance and has various incarnations: animated windows, audio messages,
08th September, 2014 1
Убираем всю рекламу в Mozilla FireFox

Remove all advertising in Mozilla FireFox

Advertising on websites can be compared to a woman: she loves everything bright, shiny, wants to be noticed, and is always the center of attention. But we open the Mozilla FireFox browser not to find out about new advertising, but for useful information to use the online service
06th September, 2014 1
Настраиваем MMS на Билайне

Setting up MMS on Beeline

Modern people cannot live without gadgets. And this is quite understandable, because with their help we communicate, congratulate each other on holidays, share the latest events and make work calls. In addition to calls, we send simple SMS and messages with pictures and music. How to set it up yourself
01th September, 2014 0
Настраиваем услугу MMS Мегафон на вашем телефоне

Setting up the Megafon MMS service on your phone

For many, MMS is an echo of the past, because sharing photos is much more convenient using the Internet. In a few clicks, the image is published online, sent by email, or appears on the main page of a social network. But what to do if your recipient is out of range
August 30, 2014 4
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