
Браузер Tor – полная анонимность в Интернете

Tor browser - complete anonymity on the Internet

Everything about the Tor browser and how it works.
22 March, 2017 4
Ardunio IDE: установка и настройка среды разработки

Ardunio IDE: installing and setting up the development environment

Installing the Ardunio IDE is easy. It is much more difficult to properly configure this environment to work with the Ardunio UNO board.
04 March, 2017 2
MFC71.DLL is missing from your computer: исправление ошибки

MFC71.DLL is missing from your computer: error correction

Did you encounter an error related to the MFC71.DLL file when starting the game? Read this material to find out how to fix everything.
January 15, 2017 4
Файл gp5: где он используется и как его открыть?

gp5 file: where is it used and how to open it?

All about gp5 files and more. Guitar Pro and TuxGuitar programs.
January 09, 2017 3
Одноклассники: восстановление страницы после блокировки

Odnoklassniki: restoring a page after blocking

Can't log into Odnoklassniki? Is your page blocked? We'll tell you what to do to fix everything.
December 27, 2016 2
Media Player Classic для ОС Windows

Media Player Classic for Windows OS

Looking for a convenient and easy-to-use video player for PC? We present to your attention 321 Media Player Classic for the Windows operating system.
November 06, 2016 2
Технология Intel Rapid

Intel Rapid Technology

In this article you will learn what Intel Rapid technology is and why it is needed.
November 01, 2016 1
Dumpper Wi-Fi: скачивание, установка и использование программы

Dumpper Wi-Fi: downloading, installing and using the program

Forgot your Wi-Fi password or want to check your wireless network for vulnerabilities? Dumper Wi-Fi will help you.
August 22, 2016 9
Файл WLMP: что это за файл и как его открыть?

WLMP file: what is this file and how to open it?

Want to learn more about .wlmp files? Here you will find the answer.
January 01, 2016 2
Автоматическая проверка ошибок в редакторе Word

Automatic error checking in Word editor

Word is a multifunctional editor, so knowledge of where certain functions are located can be useful to many.
June 06, 2016 1
Меняем язык в Mozilla Firefox

Changing the language in Mozilla Firefox

The Mozilla browser is a popular web browser, but changing its interface language is not an easy task.
June 03, 2016 3
Сворачиваем окна в ОС Windows при помощи комбинации клавиш

Minimizing windows in Windows using a keyboard shortcut

Windows is the most popular operating system today. It is used by millions of users.
January 24, 2016 3
Как исправить перевернутое изображение в Skype?

How to fix upside down image in Skype?

What resources do you use to communicate with your friends, family and acquaintances? We can name various options, since a considerable number of means of communication have been created today.
January 23, 2016 1
Переносим контакты с телефона Nokia на iPhone

Transfer contacts from Nokia phone to iPhone

How often do you change phones? If you do it often, you've probably encountered transferring contacts from one phone to another.
January 22, 2016 1
Кому ставит лайки ваш друг в социальной сети Вконтакте?

Who does your friend like on the social network VKontakte?

A lot of people communicate today using social networks. It's simple, convenient and comfortable.
January 21, 2016 3
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