Меняем форму отображения названий столбцов в Excel с числовой на буквенную

Changing the display form of column names in Excel from numeric to alphabetic

Now we will tell you how you can change the display of column names in Excel from numeric to alphabetic.
14th September, 2016 2
TalkBack: отключение службы на устройстве Android

TalkBack: Disable the service on your Android device

In this article, we will tell you how to disable the TalkBack app on your Android device.
06th September, 2016 1
Apache OpenOffice: создание альбомного листа

Apache OpenOffice: creating a landscape sheet

Making a sheet in landscape orientation in OpenOffice is as easy as shelling pears. Read this guide to understand how to do it.
August 30, 2016 2
Dumpper Wi-Fi: скачивание, установка и использование программы

Dumpper Wi-Fi: downloading, installing and using the program

Forgot your Wi-Fi password or want to check your wireless network for vulnerabilities? Dumper Wi-Fi will help you.
August 22, 2016 9
Настройка FTP-клиента с помощью FileZilla

Setting up an FTP client using FileZilla

Setting up a connection to FileZilla Server is easy. If you have any difficulties with this, then this is the place for you.
August 22, 2016 1
Ошибка синхронизации аккаунта Google на Андроиде. Решаем проблему

Google account synchronization error on Android. Solving the problem

Having trouble syncing your Google account on Android? Read these instructions. We know the solution to the problem.
August 18, 2016 3
Avazun – качественный фоторедактор для бесплатного использования

Avazun – high-quality photo editor for free use

Avazun is a good online photo editor that has its pros and cons. Want to know which ones? That way.
August 15, 2016 2
Технология AMD OverDrive. Основные моменты по разгону видеокарты

AMD OverDrive Technology. Key points on overclocking a video card

Today we will tell you how to use AMD OverDrive technology.
August 11, 2016 1
Снятие графического пароля на устройствах под управлением Android

Removing a picture password on Android devices

Don't know how to reset your Android password? This is very easy to do. How exactly? Find out here.
August 05, 2016 1
Как скопировать данные из ячейки в ячейку в Microsoft Excel?

How to copy data from cell to cell in Microsoft Excel?

Don't know how to quickly copy data from one cell to another? We will help you.
January 28, 2016 2
Не скачиваются приложения с сервиса Play Market. Решаем проблему

Applications cannot be downloaded from the Play Market service. Solving the problem

Can't download an application from the Play Store? We know the solution to the problem.
January 21, 2016 4
Исправление ошибки «Прекращена работа программы BSvcProcessor»

Fixing the error “BSvcProcessor has stopped working”

Having problems with the error “BSvcProcessor has stopped working”? This article will help you.
January 15, 2016 1
Можно ли зарядить планшет, если сломался разъем для зарядки?

Is it possible to charge a tablet if the charging connector is broken?

Is your tablet's charger connector faulty? We will help you.
January 11, 2016 1
Сброс уровня чернил на принтере Epson L110

Resetting the ink level on the Epson L110 printer

Here you will learn how to use PrintHelp to reset ink level in Epson L110.
January 06, 2016 2
Файл WLMP: что это за файл и как его открыть?

WLMP file: what is this file and how to open it?

Want to learn more about .wlmp files? Here you will find the answer.
January 01, 2016 2
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