Windows system setup

System configuration on a Windows computer involves configuring and optimizing various settings to improve performance, troubleshoot problems, and manage startup programs. In this guide, we will show you how to access and use the System Configuration Utility on Windows.

Ошибка при запуске приложения 0xc0000022

On startup prilogenia 0xc0000022

This mistake is most common among gambling addicts. The antivirus quarantines the steam_api.dll file. from the installed toy and a window with error 0xc0000022 appears on the screen. There are other reasons for problems with application initialization.
January 08, 2014 1
Ошибка при запуске приложения 0xc000007b

Error when starting the application 0xc000007b

Error 0xc000007b occurs when launching applications and is quite common. The reasons can be very different.
January 07, 2014 2
Ошибка при запуске приложения 0xc0000142

On startup prilogenia 0xc0000142

Gamers and ordinary users have more than once encountered error 0xc0000142 when opening programs and launching games. What could be the cause of this error and what to do to eliminate it will be discussed in the article.
January 07, 2014 1
Почему возникает ошибка 0х80070057 и как ее устранить

Why does error 0x80070057 occur and how to fix it

Windows 7 users may encounter error 0x80070057 both when installing the OS and on an already working system. We'll look at how to fix this error in this article.
January 06, 2014 4
Как запаролить компьютер - несколько способов

How to password protect your computer - several ways

There are many ways to protect your computer. This is possible with or without installing an additional program. Let's look at how to do this.
January 19, 2014 3
Как уменьшить масштаб экрана на компьютере

How to zoom out the screen on your computer

Typically, the Windows operating system automatically selects the optimal screen settings, taking into account all the capabilities of the monitor. But each user has different requirements for screen size to work comfortably at the computer.
January 12, 2014 1
Как сделать откат системы на Виндовс 7

How to perform a system rollback on Windows 7

Errors often occur in Windows 7 that cannot be fixed using conventional methods. Therefore, sometimes it is necessary to use a system rollback. We will talk about this method today.
January 09, 2014 2
Как повернуть экран на ноутбуке

How to rotate the screen on a laptop

Often, laptop computer users need to change the location of the image on the monitor screen. This is not difficult to do. The laptop screen supports a larger number of formats, unlike a desktop monitor. Thanks to these features, working on a laptop becomes more convenient
January 08, 2014 4
Комп не видит флешку

The computer does not see the flash drive

There may be several reasons why the flash drive is not visible on the computer. The main three are a breakdown of the flash drive, a malfunction of the computer’s USB port, or a malfunction in the operating system.
January 04, 2014 1
Как убрать из автозапуска программу

How to remove a program from autorun

When you install a large number of programs, over time you notice that the computer takes longer to boot and runs slower. This happens due to the fact that some programs are automatically registered in startup and loaded every time Windows starts. How to tell if programs are running
January 02, 2014 2
Как отключить UAC в Windows 7

Kak unlock UAC v Windows 7

The Windows 7 operating system is very good, but it also has certain disadvantages. The most annoying one is User Account Control or UAC (User Account Control). And although the developers claim that this system helps protect your computer, installing the simplest program can
January 02, 2014 1
Как найти скрытые папки на компьютере

How to find hidden folders on your computer

Every operating system has the ability to hide folders. Most often, these are system folders that are hidden for the benefit of the user himself, since their accidental deletion will mean Windows will not work. But sometimes users themselves hide their “secret” folders. How to find them? About it
April 30, 2014 2
Как запустить chkdsk

How to run chkdsk

After the computer is turned off unsuccessfully, which often happens due to a power outage or similar reasons, errors may be observed while the system boots. The hard drive scan begins. This is the Chkdsk program, which tries to find and fix errors that could
April 24, 2014 3
Что делать, если вылазит ошибка bootmgr is missing

What to do if the bootmgr is missing error appears

When you turn on your computer, Windows 7 suddenly won't boot? The phrase bootmgr is missing? will appear on the screen. Let's solve this problem
April 22, 2014 2
Знакомимся: гибернация

Introducing: hibernation

Hibernation is a computer mode that allows you to save all open files and programs on your hard drive after turning off the power. This mode is designed specifically for laptops.
April 21, 2014 3
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