Work with devices

In the digital age, devices and peripherals play a crucial role in our daily lives. From computers and smartphones to printers and game consoles, it's important to understand how to operate these devices effectively. In this guide, we'll cover the basics of working with your devices and give you tips to help keep things running smoothly.

Ноутбук выключается сам по себе: в чем причина и что делать?

The laptop turns off by itself: what is the reason and what to do?

Many people have experienced their laptop turning off for no apparent reason. This phenomenon raises concerns about its serviceability. But turning off is not always a sign of a breakdown.
June 08, 2014 2
Жесткий диск компьютера и возможность его восстановления

Computer hard drive and the possibility of restoring it

One of the disadvantages of a computer hard drive is the weak level of data protection. This storage is very important both for the system and for the user himself. Therefore, before putting an end to the hard drive, they still try to restore it.
June 06, 2014 2
Распиновка блоков питания компьютера

Pinout of computer power supplies

There is a power supply in every personal computer. More than once, users have tried to conduct various experiments using this energy source. To connect any device to the power supply, you need to know how to pin it out correctly.
June 03, 2014 2
Подключение телевизора к компьютеру через HDMI

Connecting your TV to your computer via HDMI

In order to watch a movie, program, show in good quality and on a big screen, it is certainly worth using the latest generation TVs. But high-quality videos are not always convenient to watch online. It may load and freeze. To avoid these inconveniences, you can download the video to
June 02, 2014 3
Решение вопроса, когда ноутбук не видит Wi-Fi

Solving the issue when the laptop does not see Wi-Fi

Now almost every establishment has a Wi-Fi network. This is very convenient, because you often have to solve work issues right here and now. Therefore, when buying a computer, many people opt for compact and at the same time functional laptops. They are easy to carry and have the ability
June 01, 2014 2
Как закачать фильмы на iPad с компьютера

How to download movies to iPad from computer

Every new iPad user is faced with the issue of transferring video files to their device. Inexperienced users who hold an Apple product in their hands for the first time tend to consider this process difficult and incomprehensible, but in fact everything is quite easy and simple. Exists
January 18, 2014 3
Как флешку отформатировать в FAT32

How to format a flash drive to FAT32

If you need to format a flash drive in FAT32, then this article will tell you how easy it is, and most importantly, to do it correctly.
January 13, 2014 2
Как усилить сигнал Yota

How to strengthen Yota signal

Modern wireless Internet technologies - communications are getting better every day, but sometimes users may encounter the problem of a weak signal. Yota specialists are constantly taking various actions to improve the quality of information reception and transmission, but the circumstances
January 13, 2014 3
Инструкция по настройке IPTV Ростелеком

Instructions for setting up IPTV Rostelecom

For quite a long time, Rostelecom has been providing the public with access to digital television, which can be watched using a computer. This technology
January 04, 2014 3
Как отличить айфон китайский от оригинала

How to distinguish a Chinese iPhone from the original

Do you often come across the purchase of any electronics or phones, iPhones? The modern market is so oversaturated with various fakes that even a well-versed buyer can get confused at the first glance at the device. This article can serve as a hint for you on how to avoid getting caught.
January 03, 2014 6
Чем отличается планшет от айпада

What is the difference between a tablet and an iPad?

The market for portable tablets is growing at an ever-accelerating pace. Along with mobile devices known to consumers, new ones are appearing. Fundamentally, according to their qualities, tablets can be combined into two product groups - iPad tablets of the Apple brand and all others. But how do they differ - about that
April 23, 2014 2
Как снять защиту с флешки, защищенной от записи

How to remove protection from a write-protected flash drive

It is impossible to answer this question unambiguously. There can be many reasons, here we will look at the most common ones.
April 20, 2014 3
Флешка не форматируется

Flash drive won't format

“My flash drive can’t be formatted” - an IT specialist working in a regular office can hear this phrase about 6 times in a couple of days. This is certainly not a problem for him. Will fix it. But if there is no person at hand who can help with this problem, and the flash drive still needs to be formatted and
April 19, 2014 2
Восстановление флешки Kingston

Kingston flash drive recovery

The most popular storage media today are flash drives. They are compact and very easy to use. There are many companies that manufacture flash drives. One such company is Kingston Technology. But there are situations when such a useful device as
April 14, 2014 3
Дисковод не читает диски - решение проблемы

The disk drive does not read discs - problem solving

If your drive does not read discs, do not rush to the store for a new purchase. There are several problems that cause a drive to not read discs, and each problem has its own solution.
April 08, 2014 2
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