Отсутствует xinput1_3.dll? Решаем проблему

Is xinput1_3.dll missing? Solving the problem

Fixing xinput1_3.dll error is simple. It is enough to find out the reason for its appearance. This error occurs in the Windows operating system, namely in the DirectX API application, which is designed to develop and ensure compatibility of games and applications.
24 March, 2014 7
Отсутствует файл physxloader.dll? Скачиваем и решаем проблему

Is the file physxloader.dll missing? Download and solve the problem

Most likely, every computer game lover and ordinary PC user has encountered the problem “The file physxloader.dll is missing.” In this article we will solve this small problem.
21 March, 2014 4
Сервисы анонимных ссылок

Anonymous link services

Many people ask the question, who are Anonymizers? Anonymizers, or otherwise anonymous link services, are when you want to hide access to a computer or network; no one will recognize you; you will go to any page anonymously. Or when your entry is blocked for some reason to the desired page, and you
19 March, 2014 2
Отсутствует файл binkw32.dll? Решаем проблему

Is the file binkw32.dll missing? Solving the problem

Typically, this file is required when you launch a recently installed game or program. This error says that this file is not in the system and you need to download it separately and copy it to the desired folder.
17 March, 2014 4
Знакомимся: UEFI Boot

Introducing: UEFI Boot

This system appeared at the beginning of 1990, and was created to replace the BIOS. After all, even then there were few BIOS capabilities. Every day the operating system and PC were constantly improving, but the BIOS remained old.
16 March, 2014 3
Проблемы при подключении подсистемы Hamachi

Problems connecting the Hamachi subsystem

Hamachi is a program that allows you to create a direct connection between two computers via the Internet. It is used to play games online, etc. Many users of this utility encounter problems connecting to the subsystem when starting the program. It arises unexpectedly, even if everything before
15 March, 2014 3
Как перезагрузить ноутбук

How to restart a laptop

Are there often times when your laptop freezes and nothing can be done? In this article we will solve your problem.
11 March, 2014 8
Регистрируемся в стиме

Register on Steam

Steam is a platform for purchasing and downloading games. It provides the ability to play online and work offline, and update licensed products. Let's look at registering with it.
11 March, 2014 4
Создаем загрузочную флешку Windows 7 через UltraISO

Create a bootable Windows 7 USB flash drive using UltraISO

Sooner or later, users of personal computers and laptops have problems with Windows software that becomes unusable and needs to be reinstalled.
11 March, 2014 4
Как скринить экран компьютера

How to screenshot a computer screen

Very often, when working at a computer, you need to take a screenshot of the monitor screen. You can, of course, take a picture of the screen with a camera, but it’s better to take the easier route.
11 March, 2014 6
Как сделать оглавление в ворде 2007

How to make a table of contents in Word 2007

When creating voluminous documents containing several chapters, it is imperative to create a table of contents. It will allow the reader to quickly understand the information provided and find the part that interests him.
11 March, 2014 4


We would like to invite you to familiarize yourself with the Bandicam program. This application is very simple and easy to use. With its help, you can record in video format what is happening on your computer screen.
10 March, 2014 4
Как сделать Гугл Хром браузером по умолчанию

How to make Google Chrome your default browser

Currently, there are a large variety of web browsers, each of which has its own users. But it may happen that you need to change the default browser, for example, to Google Chrome. In this case, the question arises - how to do this? And this can be done in two ways.
10 March, 2014 6
Сохраняем фото с Инстаграма на компьютер

Saving photos from Instagram to your computer

Sometimes users wonder how to save published photos on the Instagram social network to the hard drive of a personal computer? The functional features of this social photo network do not allow this to be done so easily. However, there is a way out.
05 March, 2014 3
Регистрация в Инстаграме

Registration on Instagram

Instagram is a new social network for photo sharing. If you have a smartphone on Android or iOS, then you have probably heard about it. But in the next article we will talk about registering on this social network.
02 March, 2014 49
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