Как удалить полностью Касперского

How to completely remove Kaspersky

Kaspersky Anti-Virus is one of the most popular programs designed to protect the operating system from viruses that penetrate from the Internet. However, its disadvantage is that the user, if necessary, cannot always remove Kaspersky completely, and this may later
January 03, 2014 1
Как отличить айфон китайский от оригинала

How to distinguish a Chinese iPhone from the original

Do you often come across the purchase of any electronics or phones, iPhones? The modern market is so oversaturated with various fakes that even a well-versed buyer can get confused at the first glance at the device. This article can serve as a hint for you on how to avoid getting caught.
January 03, 2014 6
Как убрать из автозапуска программу

How to remove a program from autorun

When you install a large number of programs, over time you notice that the computer takes longer to boot and runs slower. This happens due to the fact that some programs are automatically registered in startup and loaded every time Windows starts. How to tell if programs are running
January 02, 2014 2
Как отключить UAC в Windows 7

Kak unlock UAC v Windows 7

The Windows 7 operating system is very good, but it also has certain disadvantages. The most annoying one is User Account Control or UAC (User Account Control). And although the developers claim that this system helps protect your computer, installing the simplest program can
January 02, 2014 1
Как отформатировать жесткий диск через BIOS

How to format a hard drive via BIOS

This article will discuss the issue of formatting a hard drive through BIOS.
January 01, 2014 1
Как найти скрытые папки на компьютере

How to find hidden folders on your computer

Every operating system has the ability to hide folders. Most often, these are system folders that are hidden for the benefit of the user himself, since their accidental deletion will mean Windows will not work. But sometimes users themselves hide their “secret” folders. How to find them? About it
April 30, 2014 2
Несколько способов найти человека в Инстаграме

Several ways to find a person on Instagram

Today, the social network Instagram has become an extremely popular social network where everyone can not only feel like a photographer, but also show their masterpieces to friends. True, if you have just registered, then you must first find your friends and acquaintances so that you can
April 29, 2014 2
Конвертировать ПДФ в Ворд

Convert PDF to Word

Many of us must have faced such a problem as converting a PDF file to Microsoft Word and not many came to the end result, considering that this procedure is very complicated. In this article we will dispel all myths regarding the complexity of this procedure and tell you about ways
April 28, 2014 4
Как через компьютер выкладывать фото в инстаграм

How to post photos on Instagram via computer

It has happened in the life of every photographer that he wants to post a photo on Instagram that is in a folder on his computer’s hard drive. In this case, sharing it with your friends and subscribers will be somewhat more difficult than a photo taken with a smartphone camera. But still, there is
April 27, 2014 2


iRinger is a small program designed to create ringtones for iPhone mobile devices. Despite the fact that the application is quite simple and easy to use, it also has some minor drawbacks.
April 26, 2014 2
Realtek HD

Realtek HD

Realtek HD is a small program designed to help the user configure audio equipment installed on a personal computer.
April 25, 2014 7
Как запустить chkdsk

How to run chkdsk

After the computer is turned off unsuccessfully, which often happens due to a power outage or similar reasons, errors may be observed while the system boots. The hard drive scan begins. This is the Chkdsk program, which tries to find and fix errors that could
April 24, 2014 3
Чем отличается планшет от айпада

What is the difference between a tablet and an iPad?

The market for portable tablets is growing at an ever-accelerating pace. Along with mobile devices known to consumers, new ones are appearing. Fundamentally, according to their qualities, tablets can be combined into two product groups - iPad tablets of the Apple brand and all others. But how do they differ - about that
April 23, 2014 2
Что делать, если вылазит ошибка bootmgr is missing

What to do if the bootmgr is missing error appears

When you turn on your computer, Windows 7 suddenly won't boot? The phrase bootmgr is missing? will appear on the screen. Let's solve this problem
April 22, 2014 2
Знакомимся: гибернация

Introducing: hibernation

Hibernation is a computer mode that allows you to save all open files and programs on your hard drive after turning off the power. This mode is designed specifically for laptops.
April 21, 2014 3
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