Как снять защиту с флешки, защищенной от записи

How to remove protection from a write-protected flash drive

It is impossible to answer this question unambiguously. There can be many reasons, here we will look at the most common ones.
April 20, 2014 3
Флешка не форматируется

Flash drive won't format

“My flash drive can’t be formatted” - an IT specialist working in a regular office can hear this phrase about 6 times in a couple of days. This is certainly not a problem for him. Will fix it. But if there is no person at hand who can help with this problem, and the flash drive still needs to be formatted and
April 19, 2014 2


Avatan is a small photo editor that lets you decorate and edit the photos and other images you take. The program has many image editing tools. Some of them are quite well known, such as cropping, rotation and exposure. But Avatan has it
April 15, 2014 12
Восстановление флешки Kingston

Kingston flash drive recovery

The most popular storage media today are flash drives. They are compact and very easy to use. There are many companies that manufacture flash drives. One such company is Kingston Technology. But there are situations when such a useful device as
April 14, 2014 3
Прошивка роутера D-Link DIR 620

Firmware for D-Link DIR 620 router

It often happens that router malfunctions are associated with software errors. In this regard, manufacturers of these devices release updated firmware that corrects errors and shortcomings identified in previous versions of the software. About the update
April 13, 2014 3
Что такое Winlogon.exe

What is Winlogon.exe

Every program that runs on a computer is accompanied by system processes. The number of processes for programs is different. In the simplest case, we can give an example of the execution of the program itself and the process of checking for available updates.
April 12, 2014 3
Как переключить язык на клавиатуре

How to switch language on keyboard

When purchasing a computer, many users sooner or later ask the question, how to switch the language on the keyboard? There are three known ways to switch the language on the keyboard. To do this, you will need, firstly, the computer itself, and secondly, instructions for changing the language on a personal computer.
April 10, 2014 3
Дисковод не читает диски - решение проблемы

The disk drive does not read discs - problem solving

If your drive does not read discs, do not rush to the store for a new purchase. There are several problems that cause a drive to not read discs, and each problem has its own solution.
April 08, 2014 2
Как в ворде 2007 пронумеровать страницы

How to number pages in Word 2007

Sooner or later, when working with text editors, every person is faced with the need to number the pages of a document. At first glance, it seems that this is quite difficult to do. In fact, everything is simple. In Microsoft Word 2007, there are several ways to set page numbers.
April 07, 2014 3
Windows не удаётся завершить форматирование

Windows can't complete formatting

Formatting is the creation of a file system on a device for storing various information. But sometimes, when formatting a flash drive or other device, the error “Failed to complete formatting” appears. We will solve this problem in this article.
April 06, 2014 4
Настройка роутера ASUS RT G32

Setting up the ASUS RT G32 router

Setting up the asus RT G32 router is not much different from setting up other similar devices. Therefore, installing a router yourself is not difficult even for a simple user. To do this, you need to make a few simple connections.
April 02, 2014 4
Как пользоваться программой Hamachi

How to use Hamachi

Hamachi (or popularly “hamster”, “hamsters”) is software for creating a virtual local network. Today we will look at how to use it in order to ensure stable operation of the program.
April 01, 2014 2
Выбираем между лазерным или струйным принтером

Choosing between a laser or inkjet printer

As a rule, the question of which printer is better: laser or inkjet, arises among people at the moment when the need arises for periodic printing of documents, images, photographs. To solve this problem, first of all you should think about how it will be used.
30 March, 2014 5
Формат Фактори

Factory format

One of the most popular free converters is Format Factory. This program compares favorably with the abundance of functions and simplicity of the interface from others. It is capable of converting not only video files and audio tracks, but also photographs into any common format.
29 March, 2014 2
Ошибка: выбранный диск имеет стиль разделов GPT

Error: The selected disk has a GPT partition style

Every day old technologies and programs are forgotten, and new ones are taking their place, the same thing happened with the MBR disk format, because now most hard drives are distributed with the modern GPT format. This format is better because it replaces binary programs that
25 March, 2014 2
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